Supporting Local Health & Wellness Since '99
Our clinic is ideal for those looking for drug-free solutions to chronic disease, managing stress & mental health, becoming pain free or wanting to look and feel their best. Our experienced team of therapists and practitioners ensure a warm, welcoming experience with a holistic approach. Private Health rebates available for selected services
01. Massage & Bodyworks
02. Clinical Services
03. Specialised
04. Natural Skin Spa

Our Treatments
At Haberfield Health, we offer a comprehensive collection of treatments and services to bring positive health outcomes, relaxation, and tranquility into your life. Our experienced team of therapists and practitioners work within a holistic framework to help you discover your true best self.

Transparency and Care
When choosing a natural healthcare centre, you want to be sure you are choosing one you can fully trust. While serving the community for over 20 years, we have always valued transparency & are here to answer all your questions and concerns. We have made it easy for you to get in touch with us to ensure you get the support you need. Together, we can make a difference.